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Your family and tech use
The Mix is here to help you start a conversation with your family about the way you use tech. We know that agreeing on the right approach with your parents or carers can be challenging and sometimes lead to massive rows. You might clash over simple things like how long you spend chatting to friends online, or how much screen time is too much. They may not understand your point of view, which can leave you feeling frustrated and unheard. We’ve designed a toolkit to help you take control of this conversation once and for all.
Apply to Host a Your Digital Family Event

You take control
We’ve created a digital toolkit that’s designed to start those tricky conversations, with a range of fun and interactive activities. Co-designed by both young people and parents, this unique resource will help your family to understand each other and make decisions together about the way you use digital as a family. The best part? You get to lead the discussion and have your voice heard.
Apply to Host a Your Digital Family Event
Young people vs. parent's views
Young people vs. parent's views
You and your parents often have very different and strong opinions when it comes to how you should be using digital. They might think you’re spending too long watching videos on TikTok, or playing Fortnite. Maybe it winds you up that they’re always checking their emails. Watch our video to find out more about the most common differences of opinion.
10 things you wish your parents knew about the way you use tech
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How to stay safe online
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Interview: What's it like talking to your family about tech use?
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Talking Activity
Connecting Activity
Acting Activity
About The Mix
About The Mix
The Mix is the UK's leading digital charity for under 25s, helping over 2.5 million young people each year. Whatever issue a young person is facing, The Mix is always there for them - via our website, over the phone or via social media. We connect young people to experts and their peers to talk about everything from money to mental health, homelessness to jobs, break-ups to drugs and more. The Mix’s mission is to ensure that every young person can make an informed choice about their wellbeing – wherever and whenever they are. We aim to put young people at the centre of everything we do.
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About Parent Zone
Parent Zone are the experts in digital family life. We provide support and information to parents, children and schools, working globally to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently. We work with parents, schools, governments and businesses to study, understand and address the impact of emerging technologies on young people.
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About Parent Zone