Brexit & the EU Settlement Scheme – support & information
If you’re from the EU and you’re living in Britain, you might feel worried about the impact of Brexit on your right to remain in the UK. We’ve worked with experts to help support you with detailed resources and information, in multiple languages. This page is full of helpful tips to get you informed on your immigration rights and to tell you all you need to know about the EU Settlement Scheme.
What is the EU Settlement Scheme?

As Britain has officially left the European Union, the UK government has agreed to protect the rights of European nationals and their family members living in the UK through the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS). This allows you to apply for settled (indefinite leave to remain) or pre-settled (limited leave to remain) status to remain in the UK. The deadline to apply is 30th June 2021 so it’s really important to apply before then. Find support for the application and more helpful information below.
Support with your immigration rights
Want to know about your immigration rights? Need support applying for settled status? You’re not alone and we’re here to help.
We’ve worked with experts from the3million and the Young Europeans Network on a range of resources and guides to help you understand your rights as a young person from the EU. The resources are translated into Bulgarian, Polish, Slovak and Romanian to improve access to information for young people from these communities.
- What do you need to know about Brexit?
- Your immigration rights
- All you need to know about applying for the EU Settlement Scheme
- How to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme – a step-by-step guide
- Myth-busting – The truth about the EU Settlement Scheme
- Support for coping with racist and anti-immigration abuse
- How to talk to your parents about applying for the EU Settlement Scheme
- Какво трябва да знам за Брексит?
- Вашите права на имигрант
- Всичко, което трябва да знаете относно Схемата за уседналост за ЕС
- Как да кандидатствам за Схемата за уседналост за ЕС
- Развенчаване на митовете: истината за схемата за уседналост за ЕС
- Расово и антиимиграционно малтретиране
- Разговор с родители за схемата за уседналост за ЕС
- Co muszę wiedzieć na temat Brexitu?
- Twoje prawa imigracyjne
- Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć na temat Programu osiedleńczego dla obywateli UE (EU Settlement Scheme)
- Jak złożyć wniosek o status osiedleńczy (status osoby osiedlonej)
- Obalanie mitów: prawda na temat Programu osiedleńczego dla obywateli UE (EU Settlement Scheme)
- Zachowania rasistowskie i antyimigracyjne
- Rozmowa z rodzicami na temat Programu osiedleńczego dla obywateli UE (EU Settlement Scheme)
- Ce trebuie să știu despre Brexit?
- Drepturile dumneavoastră de imigrant
- Tot ce trebuie să știți despre Sistemul de înregistrare a cetățenilor din Uniunea Europeană în vederea obținerii noului statut de ședere în Regatul Uni
- Cum să vă înscrieți în Sistemul de înregistrare a cetățenilor din Uniunea Eu-ropeană în vederea obținerii noului statut de ședere în Regatul Uni
- Demontarea miturilor: Adevărul despre Sistemul de înregistrare a cetățenilor din Uniunea Europeană în vederea obținerii noului statut de ședere în Regatul Unit
- Rasism și abuzuri la adresa imigranților
- Cum să discutați cu părinții despre Sistemul de înregistrare a cetățenilor din Uniunea Europeană în vederea obținerii noului statut de ședere în Regatul Unit
- Čo potrebujem vedieť o Brexite?
- Vaše prisťahovalecké práva
- Všetko, čo potrebujete vedieť o pobytovej schéme pre občanov EÚ
- Ako sa uchádzať o pobytovú schému pre občanov EÚ
- Búranie mýtov: pravda o pobytovej schéme pre občanov EÚ
- Incidenty motivované rasizmom a zamerané proti prisťahovalcom
- Hovoríme s vašimi rodičmi o pobytovej schéme pre občanov EÚ
How do I apply for the EU Settlement Scheme? A step-by-step guide
Feeling confused about the EU Settlement Scheme application? To help you with the process, The Mix has worked with the3million to develop this step-by-step instructional video. The subtitles are available in multiple European languages.
Our thanks to the Young Europeans Network for their participation in this video; without them this video wouldn’t have been possible.
Helpful articles
Read our article content to find more helpful tips and information about Brexit and how it might affect you or your family.
Do I need to apply for settled status?
Tips and advice on your EUSS application
How will Brexit affect Scotland and Northern Ireland?
A summary of how Brexit could impact Scotland and Northern Ireland
What does lockdown mean for Brexit?
What impact could the pandemic have on Brexit?
Brexit and the Conservative government
How could the current government have an impact on Brexit?
Experts who can help
Here are some helpful resources from immigration experts, to help you understand your rights and offer more practical tips.
the3million - Giving EU citizens a voice
the3million is the largest campaign organisation for EU citizens in the UK - They are an organisation for and of immigrants
Visit pageHere for Good Law - Free immigration advice
Here for Good exists to provide free immigration advice to EEA citizens and their non-EEA family members in the current Brexit landscape
Visit pageEuropean Londoners Hub - Support for EU Londoners
Information and guidance on what European Londoners need to secure their rights in the UK post-Brexit
Visit pageApplying for the EU Settlement scheme (a Romanian guide)
This step-by-step guide to your EUSS application, narrated in Romanian, was made by The Mix and Luton Roma Trust
Watch video