Services Innovator Committee Member
Do you want to be part of shaping the support services for young people we provide at The Mix?
Have you had experience of using online services with The Mix or elsewhere?
Are you passionate about safeguarding or want to know more about it?
We're looking for people who want to use their experience of accessing services and safeguarding to help shape the counselling, helpline and online support we provide at The Mix to ensure that we stay accessible, youth friendly, and safe for every young person aged 13 to 25.

Have a place at the table helping to shape our online support services
Here at The Mix, we believe that your voices are key in shaping our online services.
In this role, you’ll have the opportunity to improve our services for young people across the UK by sharing your views, experiences and ideas in monthly meetings and co-designs.
The Services Innovator Committee are a group of people who are 25 and under who will design the services of The Mix (Counselling, Helpline, website and other online support tools) and contribute to how we talk about safeguarding.
Previous projects the SIC have worked on has included designing video contracts for counselling, developing counselling contracts, testing our ChatBot, and leading in key consultations around safeguarding and wellbeing checks with the police.
For further information download the full role description