Where can I find a summer job?

How do you look for summer work (July/August) in retail and leisure? I've searched everywhere but can't find any. Most are just full-time or part-time permanent positions. Are they normally labelled as summer positions?

It sounds like you’re looking for part time/temporary work, specifically in the summer. You’re right that some people call these kinds of temporary jobs as ‘summer work’ but temporary or part time work is available throughout the year and not just for the summer months. It could be that it is too early in the year for the ‘summer jobs’ to be advertised, so you may have to wait until nearer the time to see what is available.

However, don’t let this put you off looking for a job. First off, your local newspaper would be a good place to start looking – there will be a section for job vacancies in the classified section that local companies will advertise in so it is worth keeping an eye out for any new vacancies and jobs here.

You could do a search online and see if local stores or shops near to you to see whether they are hiring. Or you could pop into the shops yourselves and leave your CV with them and ask for them to bear you in mind for any up-coming jobs that might crop up during the summer. It might also be a good idea to sign on with a temp agency in case employers use them to fill their summer vacancies.

There is a very good section on our website on getting a job that you may find useful in your job hunt which you may want to read. Applying for jobs can be draining but try not to get too disheartened – enthusiasm is key, and it’s important to keep trying.

Answered by bss on 20-May-2013

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