Is there an age limit for tongue piercing?

How old do you have to be to get your tongue pierced - and is it a good idea to have it done at all?

There’s no age limit for tongue piercing in the UK, but some piercing places will have their own guidelines and might refuse to pierce you if they feel you’re too young.

The British Body Piercing Association has a Code of Practice and Ethics for their members. This includes not giving anybody a piercing under the age of 14 years. If you’re 14 to 16 you must bring a parent or guardian. Also, piercings below the neck and on tongues at this age are carried out at the discretion of the piercer. Those aged 16 and over are treated as adults.

Since some piercing places may decide to set higher age limits, so speak to a piercer in your area to find out the required minimum age of their customers.

Tongue piercing is usually perfectly safe but there are some possible risks to teeth and overall health, including chipped teeth or infections. The British Dental Journal warns that oral piercing can not only damage teeth but can have many other health complications including pain, swelling, bleeding, bad breath, infection or even blood poisoning.

To stay safe, check your piercer is going to use a brand new, packaged, sterilised needle. They should also have clean hands and wear disposable latex gloves to prevent the risk of infection.

You should always use a person who specialises in piercing and is registered with your local council.

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