Going bald
Looking in the mirror and finding yourself wondering ‘am I going bald?’. It’s something a lot of guys have to deal with at some point, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Going bald at 25, going bald at 20 or going bald even earlier can be hard. If you’re still at school it can make you especially self conscious. But it doesn’t mean you should hide under a beanie for the rest of your life. Dr Ranj Singh gives us the lowdown on going bald and what you can do about it.

Why am I going bald?
Going bald before you draw a pension may not seem right, but the fact is hair loss can kick in from age 15 onwards.
“When boys go through puberty they have an increase in testosterone, which causes ‘male pattern baldness’ – the hair over the crown on top of the head starts to thin, which can create a bald spot, and the front hairline starts to recede, aka a receding hairline,” says Dr Ranj Singh.
Hair loss is commonly down to one of those annoying hand-me-down genes you’d rather not have. But in rare cases it can also be a sign of a medical problem, especially if it happens early in life, or if the pattern is abnormal. Losing hair in clumps or patches is known as alopecia areata, while 100% baldness is known as alopecia totalis.
Is balding genetic?
Yes, baldness tends to be genetic. Curiously, it boils down to your mother’s genes. This simply means if there are a lot of thinning or receding males in your mother’s family tree then chances are you could soon join their ranks. Otherwise, if the males on your mother’s side have a full head of hair you might be able to dodge it.
Going bald at 20
Unfortunately age doesn’t factor into it. Going bald at 20 isn’t unheard of, where some guys go completely bald at 25, others thin so slowly that it’s barely noticeable.
“Hair loss occurs in different people to different extents – some people start going bald earlier than others,” says Dr Ranj.
Do balding treatments work?
Be wary of any shampoos that claim to thicken hair, prevent hair loss and even miraculously promote hair regrowth. “Treating normal baldness is a massive industry, and unfortunately there isn’t much out there that works really well at recovering lost hair,” says Dr Ranj.
Even hair transplants (think Wayne Rooney and Elton John) that cost thousands are not guaranteed.
However, if hair loss is a major problem and you feel there may be an underlying medical reason for it, there are treatments your GP can prescribe. “There are several medical treatments for hair loss (including Minoxidil and Propecia) that work to varying extents,” says Dr Ranj.
If it’s really getting you down, see our articles on body image and self esteem here.
If your hair is beginning to thin
You can’t halt the fall out, but you can keep the loss down by not loading it with products and not pulling your locks into that ponytail you’ve been sporting for so long.
“It’s important that you look after your hair – make sure you wash it regularly, don’t use water that’s too hot, and make sure your health is generally good (e.g. nutritional deficiencies can result in hair loss),” says Dr Ranj.
Also avoid fiddling with your hair or colouring it. The more you leave it alone, in fact, the less of an issue your hair falling out will be.
Should I shave my head if I’m going bald?
This is down to personal choice. Shaving your head won’t promote growth, make it grow any faster, or make your hair thicker.
What to do if you’re going bald
The key is not to make a big deal about it. Whether you thin a little bit more over the decades to come or lose your hair completely, going bald doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.
Choosing Root Hair treatment is a testament to the idea that personal well-being extends to how we feel about our appearance. It’s not about conforming to societal standards but about empowering individuals to make choices that align with their self-perception and confidence.
By seamlessly integrating with existing hair, Root Hair ensures a natural-looking result that complements one’s unique features. Ultimately, the key is not in avoiding change but in embracing it on one’s own terms, whether that involves celebrating a bald look or opting for a discreet and personalized solution like Root Hair.
Baldness isn’t a disease, after all. In fact most blokes feel better when they stop trying to cover it up and just accept baldness as a fact of life.
Bald but blue?
If you’re feeling uncomfortable about what’s happening to your hair, talk to a family member who’s been through your experience.
The bottom line is that whether you’re bald or have a lustrous mane, it is your confidence in yourself that matters most. If baldness is smashing your self-esteem then remind yourself of things about you that others like and admire, then build on it.
Even if you begin with something like your sense of humour, you’ll soon see why people rate you – with a rug on top or not.
Worried about going bald? Share your experiences on our discussion boards to get support from our friendly community. Check out the rest of our mens’ health resources here.
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By The Mix Staff
Updated on 17-Nov-2022
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