What is self-harm?

Self-harm can take many different forms and can include any behaviour that is not in our best interests, that we use to try and deal with an emotional pain. Someone who is self-harming might do things like cutting and burning themselves, or they might also do a wide range of other things to help them deal with painful feelings.

We think it’s important to talk about self-harm so we can understand what it is, why people might do it, how they can do it safely and how they can access support. If you are self-harming, we want you to feel safe and comfortable opening up about your experiences and sharing your stories with others, so you know that you are not alone.

Recovering from Self-Harm

Self-harm can include many different types of behaviour. It can encompass a range of things that people do to themselves to deal with painful and difficult emotions. That means recovery can also look different for everybody.

In our video Maddie Bruce is talking about her own recovery from self-harm, her relationship with her scars and the power of starting a conversation.

View more videos here

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