Hangover cures

Everyone has their own way of getting through the 'morning after'. Here are some of ours.

fry up

If you can keep this down, you're all good

These have all been known to help, trialled by ‘friends’ of The Mix…

  1. A paracetamol washed down with fruit juice, a bit of toast, then a walk in the fresh air.
  2. Phone in sick, then stay in bed until Hollyoaks comes on.
  3. Brew a big pot of coffee. It might leave you more dehydrated, but goddamm it feels like the right thing to do!
  4. Marmite and toast, washed down with a Berocca (a vitamin supplement taken in fizzy water form).
  5. A big greasy fry-up. Get beyond the first mouthful, you’re home and dry.
  6. Two pints of water sipped over the course of an hour, followed by a little lie down and then vigorous exercise like a run or a swim. Or sex.
  7. Fingers down the throat. Yeeeuuuuuuurch! That’s better.
  8. An hour-long shower, letting the hot tank slowly drain until the cold kicks in. It avoids the shock (if not the point).
  9. A bunch of bananas. Packed with vitamins and easy to get down without gagging.
  10. Pure oxygen. Airlines pilots swear by it. Which is reassuring to know when you’re 30,000 feet up and the man up front is trying hard not to blow his breakfast all over the altimeter.

photo of fry-up by Shutterstock

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Updated on 29-Sep-2015