Will I be arrested if I’m caught with drugs?
What are the consequences of being caught by the police with a stash that includes Class A, B and C drugs?
That sounds like a large amount of drugs to be caught with. Of course, the safest option is to avoid having drugs on you in the first place.
The UK drug laws focus on penalties for possession and dealing. Drugs are defined as either Class A, B, or C and each classification has a different penalty. Class A drugs have the most severe and Class C have the least severe of the three. These laws are enforced and each local area has a strategy for tackling drug related crime (including dealing and possession).
You might find it helpful to have a look at the website for the Release – a charity that specialises in drugs, the law and human rights. They have a free and confidential advice line on 020 7324 2989, or you can email any specific concerns to [email protected].
Answered by
on 05-Jun-2014Next Steps
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