How to beat loneliness while revising

No one likes revising and no one wants to feel lonely. So what happens when you’re dealing with both? Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. The Mix have a few tips and tricks to navigate loneliness when you’re in the middle of a revision jungle… 

A young person revises on their own, surrounded by ominous-looking speech bubbles

It can sometimes be a lonely ride on the revision journey, so whatever you do – make sure you find the time to share that journey with other people. Here’s a few ways of doing this… 

Body doubling 

Nope, it doesn’t mean cloning yourself so they can do all the revising and you can binge-watch ‘Stranger Things’. Body doubling is essentially pairing up with a friend to revise. 

The art of revising with a friend can be an enormous motivation booster when you’re knee-deep in textbooks.  

Simply pick a friend, choose a time and commit. 

It’s a good way to hold yourself accountable to one another and make sure you stick to your revision duties. It’s also a great way to spend a break in between study time. 

Just make sure you promise each other to revise. Be each other’s cheerleader and talk through what revision tasks need to be done with each other. 

Even better – if your friend is taking the same exam as you, why not quiz each other? Revision doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. Get creative and make the best out of the situation. 

Location location location 

Where are you studying? In your bedroom? On the kitchen worktop? The attic? Garden shed? 

Where you revise is just as important as when you revise when it comes to fighting off loneliness. 

Spending too much time in isolation with your nose in a book for several hours can have a big impact on your mental health. 

Don’t get us wrong, having some alone time can help you be super productive. It’s when alone time becomes lonely time – that’s the problem. 

Have a think about other places you can revise where you may feel less lonely. Could it be the library? How about the local café? What about a hot summer’s day in the local park? 

Studies have shown that background noise can help stimulate the brain and help you work more efficiently. While we wouldn’t advise revising in a moshpit or the discount aisle in your local supermarket, a quiet atmosphere with some gentle chatter can be the ideal place to get your head down. 

Break time 

Rule #1 in the game of revision – take breaks. 

Not just any breaks. Meaningful breaks. 

Take regular moments to step out of that busy head and check in with friends or family – either on the phone, online or in-person. 

These are the people who are here to support you, so make the most of it! Arrange a catch up over a coffee, a walk in the park or just a simple chat to go through how you’re feeling. You don’t even have to talk about revision. Take your mind off things by having a good old-fashioned natter with your favourite people. 

Get online 

Yes, the revision journey can feel lonely – that’s why it’s important to remember that you’re not alone.  

There are millions of people going through the same journey right now. The same textbooks, same struggles and day-by-day regime. 

And if you can’t beat them, join them! 

The Mix’s discussion boards are a great way to feel connected to others going through their own exam seasons. Whether you’re looking for top tips to revise, emotional support or just a chat about anything you like – it’s all happening on The Mix’s discussion boards. 

Further support 

If you’ve been feeling lonely for a while, it might be a sign that something else is affecting you. There’s no shame in reaching out for professional help if you just can’t seem to kick those feelings of loneliness. 

REMEMBER! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to fix everything at once, especially during revision time. Exam season brings a whole whirlwind of emotions and every single one of them is valid. However, it’s all feeling a little too overwhelming then consider the following: 

  • Reach out to family and friends for support. Even just a simple chat can make the world feel a little lighter. 
  • Focus on your hobbies. Always make time to do the things you enjoy – whatever it is. Even better – find a group in your local area to meet likeminded people. 
  • Contact your GP. The local doctor can talk you through available talking therapies like CBT. 

Loneliness is a temporary feeling – it will come and go – but making the time to feel less lonely is just as important as revising. Finding the time to consider both will put you in the best position to fly through exam season with your head held high. 

Useful resources 

Want to know more? The Mix have a bunch of articles to help get you through this year’s exam season, including:


Next Steps


Updated on 13-Jun-2024

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