How do I claim JSA when I’ve not paid enough National Insurance Contributions?

Having been employed for a number of years I was suddenly made redundant. I was unemployed for five months and then found a job, which lasted nine months. I tried to reclaim JSA, but I've now been told that I cannot claim, as I have not paid enough Class 1 National Insurance. Is it possible for me to pay this to the Inland Revenue in order to claim benefits?

You can’t make up the National Insurance payments, but that doesn’t mean you can’t claim Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) at all.

As you’ve not paid enough Class 1 National Insurance Contributions, you won’t be able to get contribution-based JSA. But there is another type of JSA – income-based – that you may be able to claim. Income-based JSA is means-tested, and so would depend on your household income and savings.

If you have a partner and they’re working, you may not meet the criteria for income-based JSA. However, your partner may be in a position to claim for other financial help, such as Tax Credits.

You can get a rough idea of what benefits you might be entitled to, and how much, using this online benefits calculator. It will also tell you how to apply. You could also visit a local advice agency, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), and ask them to run a full benefits check.

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