I’ve been told I have to wait six weeks for my JSA, what shall I do?

How long is it supposed to take between applying for Jobseeker’s Allowance and having the initial interview? I've been told I have to wait six weeks, but what do I live on in the mean time?

Six weeks does seem a very long time to have to wait for an interview, but there should be some financial support you can get.

Because Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) is also a passport to other benefits, such as Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction, you might be missing out on help with your rent and Council Tax. If you’re hoping to get either one of these, you can make a claim now through your local council.

As you’re going to have to wait for so long to get your JSA, you should’ve been advised to make a claim for a Short-term Benefits Advance (STBA) or Hardship Payment to cover you until the JSA comes through. Sadly, the Jobcentre aren’t always as good as they could be about informing you of your options. You’d need to be able to show that you or your family would suffer hardship (such as not having enough money for food or heating) without the payment.

When your JSA is granted, it would be backdated to when you made your claim, minus any money you’ve received from STBA or Hardship Payments. You can apply by phone on 0800 055 6688 (8am-6pm Monday to Friday), or at your local Jobcentre.

If you’d like further advice or support on this or any other benefits issue, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).

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