How do I get a job?

I was made redundant six months ago and have been job hunting ever since. I'm young and have a degree, plus three years experience in advertising, but despite going to at least 50 interviews I still don’t have a job. I’ve never been unemployed for this long. What can I do to land a job?

Firstly, try to remember you’re doing really well to get so many interviews. Although it can be tough when you don’t get offered the job, it’s vitally important that you continue to apply for jobs and don’t let these disappointments affect your confidence. There are many factors that affect the decision-making process and these can often be out of your control. However, there are lots of things you can do to improve your chances of finding work.

As you want to continue working in the advertising industry you may wish to contact relevant companies to see if you can get a work experience or volunteering placement. This could help you gain new insight into the field, make new contacts, add recent experience to your CV and demonstrate your commitment to working in this area, as well as boosting your morale.

You could approach people you know in the industry, such as former employers or colleagues, for advice on nailing your interview technique. Your family and friends can also give you useful tips and information from their own experiences. Use your close friends to create mock interviews and ensure that you project yourself positively when answering questions.

It’s also worth considering other ways to use the experience you have gained, for example by getting involved in teaching or training, setting up a website or starting your own business.

You might also want to consider applying to some temping agencies to see if they can aid you with your search. A lot of temping jobs can lead onto permanent employment and it can be a great way to get a job without having to keep going through the interview process.

Answered by bss on 25-Sep-2012

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