Can I get housing benefit on an apprenticeship?
I am studying an Apprenticeship which pays £90 per week. Am I qualified to get housing benefit?
You want to know whether you can get housing benefit as you are currently on a £90 a week apprenticeship.
Your eligibility could depend on if you’re renting from the council, privately or live with close family members. Other factors such as any other benefits or savings could also affect the possibility. In order to qualify you should be paying rent and on a low income (usually with savings less than £16,000).
People on a low income may be eligible for housing benefit, although someone under the age of 35 may only be able to claim for a bedsit or a room in shared house.
You can find lots of useful information about apprenticeships by looking at the national Apprenticeships website.
In order for you to check if you would be entitled to housing benefit you can use the Job Centre Plus Benefits Advisor. This will not only tell you if you are entitled to housing benefit but would also advise if any other benefits could be claimed. You could also call them on 0800 055 6688 Monday – Friday 8am-6pm.
We hope this information has been of use, but if you need any further guidance please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Answered by
on 20-May-2013Next Steps
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