
It isn't nice, and listening to loud music is believed to be one of its main causes. Welcome to tinnitus.

Girl with her hands over her ears

When you can't block out the ringing in your ears.

What is tinnitus?

People with tinnitus describe hearing a whistling, buzzing or ringing noise that has no apparent source. For some the noise is a constant irritation, while others may find it comes and goes. The precise cause has yet to be fully understood, and no overall cure is currently available. It isn’t regarded as a disease, however, more a symptom of any number of ear disorders.

What causes tinnitus?

Exposure to loud music or other noise is perhaps the most common cause of tinnitus, and carries a risk of permanent ear damage too. It doesn’t have to be a concert or a club night that does it. Tinnitus is an occupational hazard as well, so if you drill holes in the road for a living, or work in a rowdy pub, you’d be wise to wear ear-plugs. Some regular concert-goers choose to use ear-plugs as well.

Do I have tinnitus?

Almost everyone experiences some form of hearing loss or interference after exposure to loud noise. Normally it fades after a few minutes, but for some the condition can be more troubling. If you experience any kind of constant or recurring sound in the ear/s, and it’s getting in the way of your life, you can count yourself as a tinnitus sufferer.

Is there a cure for tinnitus?

People with tinnitus often try to mask the noise with other sounds. What works is down to the individual, but anything from low-level music to specific tones and just keeping busy can bring some relief. If you think you have tinnitus then see your GP, as you may find it’s caused by something treatable. If not, your doc can help devise ways of living and/or sleeping with the noise, as well as recommending a suitable counsellor or support group if the din is driving you to distraction.

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Updated on 08-Dec-2015

Photo of girl with her hands over her ears by Shutterstock.