5 Things men need

5 things that men need an end to in society.

What men need, basically is this:
-A world where we are not constantly told to put women first just because they are women and are then told that it's "equality"
-A world that doesn't value men when they hide their emotions.
-An end to the "man up and suffer a bit" culture, perpetrated by both sports teams and Social Justice Warriors.
-An end to the idea that masculinity is based on physical prowess. Just because you can deadlift 200lbs doesn't mean you're more manly than the guy with a degree, a home and 2 kids.
-An end to the idea that men can't get ill. Man Flu is genuinely a thing. Because men don't have the whole system change thing girls have once a month, our immune system isn't as good. So when we get ill, we genuinely are quite ill. Same goes for mental health problems. I don't understand the world in which men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide, yet mental health diagnoses seem more prevalent in women than men.

We shouldn't, and don't have to, suffer in silence.

Published on 25-Apr-2017

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What Men Need

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