Is it ok to have a mental health relapse?

Beginning recovery for a mental illness is a brilliant, brave step. But the fear of relapsing can be ever-present. Does that mean you've failed? Will you have to start again? We spoke to mental health charity SANE to get the lowdown.

boy sitting with chink on hand, contemplating

It can be frustrating to have a setback, but it's normal

Next Steps

  • SANE offers support and information to people affected by mental illness. Call their helpline on 0300 304 7000, open 4:30pm - 10:30pm every day.
  • Mind offers advice and support to people with mental health problems. Their helpline runs nine to six from Monday to Friday. 0300 123 3393
  • Anyone can contact the Samaritans on their 24-hour helpline to talk things through. 116 123
  • Chat about this subject on our Discussion Boards.
  • Need help but confused where to go locally? Download our StepFinder iPhone app to find local support services quickly.




Updated on 08-Dec-2017