Is it dangerous to have sex in the sea?

Is it safe to have sex in the sea or a swimming pool, and is it possible to use a condom in water?

Having sex in the sea can introduce water laden with bacteria into the vagina and this could put you at risk of urinary tract and other infections. So, as you can see, it isn’t necessarily a good idea. In addition, if you’re using a condom with spermicidal gel the sea water can wash the spermicide out. You should also consider the possible consequences of having sex in a public place.

Similarly, although sex in a secluded private pool is totally your choice, if you use a condom the spermicide may not be as effective. You also need to take care that a condom doesn’t come off or rip underwater and it’s worth remembering that products containing oil can rot latex condoms, so be careful about what’s in the water.

If you’re thinking of having sex and would like confidential advice about different types of contraception, you can go along to your local Brook Centre (under 25s), family planning clinic or some local doctors (GPs) where contraception will be free. You can also buy condoms from chemists and other retail outlets.

Answered by Brook on 09-Jul-2013

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